
Natural Language Process & Deep Learning AI APIs

Quickly achieve a better understanding of your data with our advanced approaches to natural language processing. Combine our powerful text analysis capabilities with your existing or future content to gain intelligence and improve performance.

Text Analysis APIs

Text Analysis APIs

  • Achieve a better understanding of your content with advanced natural language processing (NLP) tools.
  • Tools: sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, content summarization, language detection, article extraction, abuse filtration, and more.
  • Extract deeeper meaning from any kind of text-based content.
  • Put all content into context & gain valuable insight.
  • Transform unstructured text into truly meaningful data.
Text Analysis APIs
Image Analysis APIs

Image Analysis APIs

  • Automated analysis of images: JPG, PNG, GIF and more.
  • Get captions, keywords, and other deep insights on images.
  • OCR: convert images to text; extract text from various types of images.
  • Analyze images and generate phrases that describe its contents.
  • Easily decipher complex images and visual features.
News API

News API

  • Real-time news feeds across various topics.
  • Core topics: Trending/Headlines, Business, Health, Politics, Science, Sports, and Technology.
  • Additional topics: Economy, Entertainment, Environment, Food, Movies, Music, Travel, and more.
  • News feeds powered by advanced NLP technology.
  • Ability to suggest additional topics (not already listed).
News API