Keyword Extractor API

Automatically extract keywords from any block of text or content. Our Keyword Extraction API evaluates any unstructured text and returns a list of key phrases.

Automatically Extracts Keywords From Content

The plnia keyword extractor utilizes both advanced natural language processing (NLP) and constantly evolving machine learning (ML) technologies. Use this API to gather important keywords from either structured or unstructured text.

Keywords: the most important words in a group of text.

Extracting the most important words from a block of text can save time and increase focus on the right topics. Choosing keywords manually from content is a very time-consuming and imperfect endeavor.

Automatically extract keywords from any block of text or content. Our Keyword Extraction API evaluates any unstructured text and returns a list of top key phrases.

Using this powerful NLP tool to analyze text and extract the top key phrases can both increase overall productivity and help to keep context focused. Intelligently discovered keywords can be used to properly index content, tag and/or categorize content, and even increase search relevancy.

Our API generates an extensive list of relevant keywords and phrases by making use of both advanced NLP and state-of-the-art ML algorithms to analyze text through a scalable and secure RESTful API.

Keyword Extractor API Quick Facts

  • Analyze text and extract top key phrases.
  • Use results for categorization, tagging, classification, and more.
  • Enhance any application with smart textual analysis.

Keyword Extractor API Technical Details

  • REST API: GET or POST requests
  • API access with API key & authentication
  • Monthly limits depend on subscription plan